Monday, January 4, 2010

St. Therese

O Little Flower
Even now I hear the ringing of
bells and angelic applause
which greeted your arrival at
the narrow gate. In your little way,
you slipped right through the eye
of the needle with a childlike grace.
Plucked from the world in the
tenderness of your youth, a
flower in full bloom, petals
raised to the Son, the odor
of your sanctity reaches us still.
A shower of roses....a heavenly bouquet.
We ask for your intercession and help.
May we learn from you, Saint Therese,
that little acts done with great love are
more pleasing to the Father than great
acts done with little love.
Pray for us...that when we pass into
eternity, we, too, may slip easily
through the narrow gate.   Amen

                          Mary N.    2009