Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Foot for Sorrow

On the endless road - Redemption way
I thought I heard my Savior say
"For love alone, one step more.
You can do it, I love you. One step more."
A foot for sorrow, a measure of pain
I lifted my feet, again and again
And the Lamb's voice echoed as before:
"You can do it. I love you. One step more.
Though you may stumble, when you fall down,
I'll lift you up; my graces abound."
In my heart arose a love so sweet
Grace set me once more upon my feet
His beloved voice shook me right to the core:
"You can do it . I love you. One step more!"


  1. Mary,
    Your poetry is beautiful; thank you for sharing it with us. What a peaceful, prayerful place you have created here.
    Have a Happy and Blessed New year!
    PS~ You have an award at my Blessings For the Day blog

  2. Karin,
    Thank you for visiting my new blog and thank you for the award! Happy New Year!
